
Friday, July 23, 2010

ΔTTENTION: Elections in November

*Please don't tune me out because this isn't a very attractive subject matter, thank you for your consideration!

This November 2, 2010 we will be choosing who will represent us in CA, manage state funds (FUNDING LIKE PUBLIC EDUCATION AND WELFARE), district attorneys (the person who will put your ass in jail or set you free), and so on and so fourth.

LISTEN! Here are some reasons why you should vote:

-We live in a democracy where it is an obligation for every citizen
-Day of elections are a few REAL days that a person has a voice
-It is powerful
-Many do not so demographies are poorly misrepresented, which leads to NO CHANGE for those who need change
-Yes it does effect us RIGHT NOW whether you vote or not, you're either taking power or giving it up
-The rich, white, elderly (highest participation of voting because that group understands they get power and reap the benefits by voting)
-Voting rates for PEOPLE OUR AGE ARE disgustingly PATHETIC!

Do not feel like one vote will not matter, do not disenfranchise yourself by accepting that you're one vote does not matter. Yes, one dollar, cell, or person seems insignificant, but imagine if a billion of dollars, cells, and person came together. Now doesn't that seem powerful?

Voting has not always been an option for women, the young and people of color. Voting had been confined to those who owned land, money, and were male. Since then people have risked lives, beaten down, passionately protested, devoted their lives, viscously thrown into jail, and punished so WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE NOW.

Unfortunately, the people here in our country run along the spectrum of being ignorant, oppressed, disenfranchised, and lazy. The voter turn out rate was 56% in 2008 where it should be 100%. GET UP AND USE YOUR VOICE! The luxury of a democracy is not promised, if we don't ensure it but appreciating and participating it can be taken away.

Can anyone even fathom life without our rights? LADIES, can you imagine a life where
-I can't blog about governments
-Get an abortion or the pill?!
-Go to school for FREE
-Interact with whoever I fancied
-Beaten, raped, and tortured and no law protected me
-Laws that protect against gender, gay & race discrimination
-Not be allowed to live here because I am Vietnamese?
-RIGHTS only existed for the corrupted and rich?
-VOTING meant, shut the fuck up or I'll shoot you point blank if you dare speak up about your rights?

YES these things have happened and still do in the world. But why is it that this country offers so much but very few acknowledge it?

C'mon, let's get real, I can't make a difference by myself. I can't protect YOUR rights by myself. Everyone viewing this blog wants to be empowered and go rogue? Here is one way, many fought for our rights, lets continue their work and not spit in their faces by ignoring it. There is a crazy world out there, beyond this safe comfort zone. If its taken away this second, be prepared to survive. The greatest tool that anyone can use, is knowledge.

"Keep fighting the good fight."- Clifford Dodd, my mentor. I learned that one way to help keep this democracy is spreading knowledge.


Make intellect your sexiest fashion accessory, and you'll never lose.

FGR, tina

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