
Friday, July 16, 2010


I attend FIDM; The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. 
I just graduated high school in June 2010 & I quickly hopped onto the college boat. I didn't want that much of a break. I wanted to get down to business already, so I applied for the summer course & got accepted with the contribution of my money & time put into my admissions projects. Now that I am a high school graduate, people tend to ask me what college I am going to be attending & I simply tell them, "FIDM!" & a few people, in response, say "what's that?". I've also gotten questions regarding the school & my major. 

Let me B-R-E-A-K/I-T/D-O-W-N. 
FIDM is a specialized, private college dedicated to educating students for the Fashion, Graphics, Interior Design and Entertainment industries. There's 20 different majors to choose from & 4 California campuses. 
I attend the FIDM in SF & currently a visual communications student. The Visual Communications Program offers students a various, creative business background in visual presentation, exhibit/trade show design, retail and special event display, and store planning. As well as teachings on the fashion and entertainment industries. Students benefit from relevance to practical and theoretical visual merchandising techniques. I just ended my very first week & I must say, despite the heavy work load, I absolutely love it. It's where I belong. I never pictured myself being a doctor, nurse, accountant, etc. 

Basically, my note to all of you readers, is DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Money isn't everything. Your happiness is what truly matters. 

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
FGR, miss notorious

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