
Saturday, August 7, 2010

FGR HΔIR PORTFOLIO: Deep, Rich, & Gorgeous!

Can you say BOLD?!

I just recently performed a color service on one of my good friends by the name of Emily Edwards, & i've got to say it turned out absolutely amazing! We took a color class a few weeks ago & learned so much that we wanted to attempt to do it on a live mannequin... this live mannequin being Emily. Now, Emily's hair is about just as over processed, damaged, and dry as mine but as a hair stylist that never stops us from changing our color every so often. Anyway, yesterday we got motivated and created something crazy sick!

Our Beginning Canvas:

Our Formula:
Section 1 (top) - 1.5 oz 6RO (Red/Orange) + 0.5 oz 6RR (Red/Red)
Section 2 (middle) - 6 R PM Shines (w/added Color Shots)
Section 3 (bottom) - 2 oz 5 RV (w/added Color Shots)

Our inspiration was the sectioning from the color class we took prior, except tweaked a little bit to add a little bit more creativity and originality. After all, it is a "learning experience" for us.

I sectioned her head in to 3 standard segments, starting from the top to the bottom of the head. the first section that I took was the smallest section - I first made a medium sized circle on the top of her head a little off to the left side of her head (adding a little more past her natural part to that circle as well) After, I clipped that piece up and moved on to my middle section. My middle section will then begin at the middle of her hair line around the head from thin to thick. The last section should be the biggest section (especially if you are looking at the head from the back).

After I had the basic shape clipped up and ready to go, I decided that I didn't want to be Plain Jane and went on to section the previous circle into and asterisk- or one of these (*) Obviously we are ready to apply our color! Finally.

During Our Application:

We mix up our first formula which would be the 2 oz 5 RV (w/added Color Shots)- apply it from scalp to ends away from the face to avoid any unnecessary staining. Next is our 6 R PM Shines (w/added Color Shots) where it was applied to the middle tier. & lastly our third section. Now, our thirst section is different. Since we divided our circle into 3 sections, I had to go in and apply all three colors again. The section furthest away from the natural part would be our Section 3 formula; the middle section is the Section 2 formula; & the section closest to the natural part of Emily's hair is going to be the only formula we have not used yet, which is the Section 1 formula. This will give Emily's hair more definition making it appear elongated- wide to narrow, from top to bottom. The color placement also delivers beautiful contrast from light to dark.

20 volume developer f0r The Color & Processing Liquid for PM Shines was used as our oxidizing agents. The over all processing time was 35 minutes;

Our End Result:

needless to say, our color experience was on a thousand!<3

stay tuned.


FGR, Whit

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