
Friday, September 3, 2010


by Jessica

If you Google right now, "The perfect body", one of the results you would see is this:
Pretty perfect and hot right?

Allow me to let you know something:
Your body will never look like this.

Not because you aren't skinny enough, your boobs aren't big enough, or your butt is not tight enough... But simply because this body is her body. Your body is your own.
The true beauty in bodies that we should all appreciate is that each and every one of our bodies is different and special. No two bodies are exactly the same. I hate how society keeps choosing and showing all these models whose bodies have been starved and surgically fixed and make them the definition of the perfect body. The body that all women strive to look like at least one point or another in their lifetime. And I admit, even myself.

Here is a list of things I didn't like about my body:
  1. My arms were too big
  2. My shoulders are too broad
  3. My boobs are not round and perky
  4. My nipples, specifically aeriolas, too large
  5. My butt too small
  6. My fingers and toes too long
  7. My stomach too fat

After years of having low self-esteem and not enough confidence in my own body, I finally found it. All the things I have listed above became real because there was this "perfect image" that has been broadcasted for me to compare it to. How else would I know that my body is 'too anything' if I didn't have a comparison? Now, as I'm completely naked on the bed after a shower, I can proudly say that:


Learn to love your own body because all bodies are beautiful works of art that needs to be appreciated. And if you have the confidence to carry out your work of art, then others will appreciate it as well. But no one's opinion will matter as much as your own.

However, for starters I would like to tell you that..

I appreciate and love your body, simply because it's yours and no one else will have a body like that.
