
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ROGUE HEΔLTH: My Butt, My Thighs, Shoulders, Legs, & Knees

By: Deana Faye

In correspondence to Rosebuhd's previous blog about Nike's "MY BUTT", here is the complete 5 other advertisements that is a part of NikeWomen.

Why are they so relevant to us and why are they so empowering? BECAUSE, the ads take the femininity of fitness (in which is borderline masculine) and totally emphasizes the beauty and power of "muscle & physique".

So to all my lady athletes, lady runners, lady gym-goers, lady fitness-obsessors: here's a toast to our bodies!



  1. =] strong and/or healthy girls for the win.

  2. I am an athlete . I run alot and sometimes my mom makes fun of the way my legs look in skinny jeans, sayin it look like a guy or football player. We all listen to what moms say, so it replay in our head. These ads really helped me see my body in a different light, I will prolly end up printing them out to put in my room :) thanks soooo much !!! :)
