
Saturday, September 11, 2010


By: Whitley McLendon

How many times have you woken up and looked in the mirror only to see a dull, dry, and what seems to feel unattractive face? And how many times have you spent a lot of money on facial cleansers and other products that just don't work out for you? Well, I have an all natural solution for your troubles and hard times! Honey! That's right, I said it... Pure Honey. Honey, obviously, is made by bees from flower nectars and is most commonly used to be consumed my humans. This is mainly made up of glucose and fructose & is closely related to granulated sugar in its sweetness. Honey can be used for all sorts of remedies and recipes, but in this case it can be used as a natural facial cleanser! Cheap, organic, & affective - what more can you ask for!

Step One: Pour a decent amount of Pure Honey into the palm of your hand.
They say that if you know the honey is pure by flipping the container upside down. The longer the bubble takes to get to the top, the purer it is. Pure honey is usually a little darker in color as well.

Step Two: Rub your hands together making the honey smooth to rub on to your face so it will not drip later - make sure you get all of the dry areas especially!

Step Three: let it sit on your face for about 15-20 minutes- no less- or until it gets DRY! You can go longer than the stated time if you'd like, there would be no harm in it.

Step Four: Rinse thoroughly with warm water in a splash motion - gently.. do not scrub it off like you heavy handed face washers do!

Step 5: towel PAT dry & feel the difference with your clean hands!

I've been using this for a few days now, and I'm loving the results so far. I challenged a few of my girls to try this out ONCE A WEEK for ONE MONTH straight. They are to report back to me with their results and write a review on what they've experienced. It's very exciting for me & I can hardly wait for the responses I'm going to get. If you've tried this before, feel free to write a review as well & I will be happy to post your reviews on the FEMALE GONE ROGUE page :) For those of you who have not tried it yet, please do! It feels amazing! Stay tuned for more on FGR's BEΔUTY GONE ROGUE!

yours truely.


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