
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


By: Paris


At the age of 9, Willow Smith is on her way to becoming a fashion icon. She steps outside of the box with her style and takes risk yet still stays appropriate for her age. 

If I was 9 years old right now, I would want to dress just like her. I admire the confidence that this little girl has at such a young age. Then again, I guess if Will and Jada were my parents, I would be very confident too. ;) 

Willow has done some acting, but is trying to persue a career in music. Her sopposed single "Whip My Hair" leaked. It's a up-tempo R&B/Pop Rhinna-esque Track, that can make even grown folks whip their hair back and forth.

Here are some pictures of this little fashion icon in the making:

This 9 year old princess is definitely a FEMALE GONE ROGUE.


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