
Sunday, September 26, 2010


By: Miss Notorious

Halloween is slowly, but surely creeping up on all of us. From the candy givers who stay at home to the ones who like to dress up and make the night useful. I can say that I, Miss Notorious,  am definitely not a "stay-at-home candy giver" that's for damn sure. Halloween is one of those random holidays that gives us an opportunity to be absolutely anything our little heart desires, no matter how provocative, scary, or just flat out random our selection is.

I'm encouraging all of you readers to go all out this year. Gather your close group of friends, plot out costumes together, plan the night out! & decide where you want to go & what you want to do. From my past experiences, spending you're Halloween night at an electronica concert that lasts from 8 P.M. to 3 A.M. is really fun. So that could be something you all could consider! Just don't dress up too much and spend so much time applying make-up because it will all wear off, thanks to your body's perspiration and the sea of people surrounding you. Also, you can spend your Halloween night at a party, OF COURSE. Everyyyyone throws parties on Halloween night. It's just difficult to decide which one will actually be worth going to. Other than that, you can just party hop them all. As for me, maybe one of you readers will catch me in a 10 foot tall cornfield maze running around being chased by Michael Myers and Freddy Kruger in my own version of a Pocahontas or a command officer costume wrapped in bullets this year. As long as you all plan your special night early this year, nothing can really go wrong!(:

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