
Saturday, September 11, 2010


By: AbbyBoobie

3D nail art is one of the cutest nail designs you could ever put money, time, and thought into! Although it might be a little hard to do a lot of things such as texting, putting on your makeup, popping a pimple, or wiping your a$$, three dimensional nail art is one nail design that I drool for.

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All the little pearls, jewels, and bows, were first inspired by Japanese nail art. Some girls actually make the nail individually, so that you can purchase them on the internet, take them to your nail shop and have the lady put them on for you. However, if you were to get these bad boys done in a nail shop expecting it to be legit with each design as precise as possible, expect to blow at least $50.00 maximum. Another reason why I adore and recommend 3d nail art is because it stands out. Rather than having the same design on each nail, your design actually pops out like the picture shown above.

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So with a little research, I decided to share with all you females who like to keep yourself fancy with the nails being did, a website where you can order them online. I will also start ordering some nails and their cute little phone cases made out of the same jewels and decorations they use on their nails!

[click here] to view and purchase your own set on Yukiumi's website! Enjoy!


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