
Thursday, September 23, 2010


By: Tina

My mother is the ultimate female. Here are some things she has taught me so I may live a beautiful and long life. Maybe they can help you too.

-Live a simple life: The less you desire, the more peaceful you will be. Material things fade away eventually..

-Get a good job & be independent: If your partner leaves 20 years into your marriage for someone younger, tell him you didn't need him anyway. Depend on no one, but yourself. Especially your happiness.

-Be strong: But you'll be your strongest after your first child. No one else will matter after you have that baby, and from there will you learn how to be strong enough to protect it's life.

-Don't let Oscar(my dog) share your chopsticks & ice cream: He eats Kitty's poop, she saw him.

-Practice good manners: Remember to ask, let those older go first, show gratitude, pour tea for everyone and not just for yourself, don't eat first when with someone, wash your dishes when you eat at someone's house, offer first, don't yell at anyone, cross your legs, wrap your pad in toilet paper, bring your boyfriend's mom your baked goods, never overstay your welcome, say good bye, always wear a bra in public, and say thank you.

-Be kind: Help anyone to the best of your ability. Give a homeless man your money and don't question his integrity. Your change would be spent on ice cream anyway.

-You're beautiful: maintain it. Respect your temple.

-Save money: No matter how much you make, it won't matter if you can't invest for the future.

-Money: It's not the most important thing baby, but it means food, education, health care, shelter and a sustainable life for your family.

-America: Opportunities are endless. She risked her life to escape to America through treacherous oceans so I may have a future. She can't even swim.

-Pack your lunch: Plan ahead and save money for your books and gas.

-Love your sister: She's the only one I have and let me tell you, she's so darling.

-Be gentle: With your words, hands, and voice. People listen better when you whisper.

-Give: even when people don't give back.

-Be a good friend: Listen more than you talk because that's the best way to help them.

-Never fight or be physical: It never solves anything. Break a cycle, try new things.

-Don't take what isn't yours: you'll regret it.

-Say sorry: work things out, try to at least.

-Acceptance: death is a part of life and it must continue.

-When your baby cries: Hold it, never leave it, love it, show it comfort and patience.

-Learn how to communicate with someone who speaks another language. They are puzzles waiting to be solved.

-Volunteer more: it keeps you humble.

-Don't take on a responsibility you can't handle: Oscar and Kitty are enough.

-Love: it's the only answer.

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