
Thursday, September 2, 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Interracial Relationships

By: Deana Faye

We are very blessed to live in a time as accepting as this; not to mention, we are blessed to live in a place as accepting as this. Interracial relationships are around us and very difficult to ignore, but then again, who would try to ignore something so striking.. so beautiful.. so rogue.

Being of Filipino descent, it is very much a taboo to date outside the race, but in my own life, I have always been attracted to males who are not Filipino. Not to say that there's something wrong with Filipinos or Asians, but I always was attracted to, um.. i'm not gonna lie, either African Americans or Polynesians. And I have constantly prepared my mom mentally so she can accept it.. and she has.

I am totally amazed and even greatly liberated when I see couples of different races. It's daring and many times risky.. because a lot of people really do turn to look, but WHO CARES.. if you like someone of a different race, then GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO LOOK AT! We see so many couples even in the entertainment business who are interracial relationships: Seal & Heidi Klum, Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta Jones, Reggie Bush & Kim Kardashian (when they were going out still), Lamar Odom & Khloe Kardashian, Kobe Bryant and his wife of Latin descent, the infamous Tiger Woods and his wife of Caucasian descent, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on. And not to mention, interracial relationships are all over television as well.

All I have to say is that, love has no boundaries.. and love does not discriminate. So love who you love, and be with whoever you wanna be with, because at the end of the day, its you that is in love, not the ones talkin ishhh, believe that.


  1. yaaay i love this post =]
    i myself am half chinese and half white, and my boyfriend is half white and half mexican! interracial couples all around!

  2. I really Love this post! Because a lot of people can relate to this I'm sure. I know I personally can.
