
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


By: Jessica
"Every girl needs a man that..."

I'm sure that everyone has heard this or read this somewhere... and immediately following may be a list of characteristics of the ideal man that every woman wants. Well ladies, let me remind all of you of one thing:
You don't need a man. You don't need a woman.
You yourself is ALL you need.

Get rid of that mindset telling you that you need someone else in your life to live it completely. You don't. You are capable of so much more, perhaps even more than you can ever imagine doing. It may be nice and beautiful and full of happiness to have someone to share your life with, and it is! But never lose yourself or give any part of it to someone else. There are no guarantees that that person will be there forever, and when/if they leave, make sure no part of you is lost with them. Just keep telling yourself...
You are amazing. You are independent.
You are FEMALE.

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