
Monday, September 27, 2010


by Jessica

"So many people are tied up in knots thinking about what they will do when they finish school, or college or get that promotion they are striving for, finish that essay, exam or thesis. Maybe even what they will do when they open their eyes tomorrow, somehow expecting a higher power of the world will have changed the universe just enough to cut them some slack.

All that I'm saying is, why base your life around a series of seemingly uncontrollable events that have yet to take place? For all you know they might never take place. You might not finish your studies, or get that promotion, or marry that girl of your dreams. Not to undermine the lives of people who live the cookie cutter lifestyle (go to school to make money, save money, never spend it, then die) I just know they are missing out on what life REALLY is. I have hundreds of goals and dreams but they aren’t petty and centered around money. Aspirations are only as important as you make them.

Why not take a deep breath, not because you want to think clearer, or even to wrap your head around this whole situation. Just take a deep breath because if you don't, you might not get that chance again. Enjoy the fact you are alive, BE EXCITED!

Just observe your surroundings and react. Don't live like nothing matters, but don't live like every choice you make now will have a profound effect on who you will be in the future. It doesn't matter if you miss out on anything. Trust me, because the only people that are missing out in life, are those who believe they are missing out. If I feel complete then my life is complete."

These are the words put together by a very enlightened young man that we all can live by.
Though he is no female, he's still quite the rogue individual nonetheless.
Here's to you John!

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