
Monday, September 27, 2010


By: Miss Notorious

I, Miss Notorious, am personally a ring woman. If I see something that absolutely stands out or looks unique, it's a winner and the ring remains glued to my finger and you'll most likely see me wearing them 24/7. Most of my jewelry consists of rings, and speaking of them, Billy Bride has officially came up with thee most brilliant idea for rings (in my opinion of course). Enough with the diamonds! Now let's experiment with crystals shall we? Billy created not only single fingered rings, but double ones as well for that extra chunky look that stands out. There's no way somebody could miss that huge crystal resting on your precious little fingers. He also named all of his pieces individually! 

[click here] to check out these bad boys and the rest of the collection.

Props to you Billy on your creations!


1 comment:

  1. I just used the blue colored ones in a shoot and the bags were unlabeled. Glad to know what they are now!! :)
