
Sunday, October 3, 2010

FGR REΔDS| Blog: Boys Life NYC

By: virginia

I for one am an avid reader. And there's a certain tone I like to pertain to in my selection of literature. Something along the lines of truth, sarcasm, dark romance, daily slices of life with witty analogies and pop culture references. Therefore I love love love reading Boys Life NYC! It's a story of a lonely single male and his romantic advances in searching for a lonely single female in the small circumference of New York City. It's smart, witty, hilarious, and has that fuck-this-romantical-bullshit tone of sarcasm which contributes to how fucking entertaining it can be. Here's an excerpt from his intro post:

"I’m going to try and not make this a douchey tell all about banging girls in NY. I’m not going to get into really raunchy details. I don’t want to embarrass any ladies that unwittingly make out with me at the Jane Hotel, and I don’t want to paint a vulgar picture of men. We are really just looking for someone to love who loves us back.

So until I meet the girl of my dreams, basically just like my last girlfriend just better looking and not totally insane. Until she bumps into me at Whole Foods, she’s singing “Some girls are bigger than others” on her iPod and didn’t notice me reaching for the granny smith apples and walks right into my arm. Until this happens, which totally could on any given early in the week weeknight, when I accompany said best friend while he buys groceries, (I have not gotten to the grocery stage of adult hood yet, so I just roll with him and try and make eye contact, and he throws out the occasional “How do you tell which ones are ripe?” to fruit browsing ladies) Until that magic day, I will keep going to therapy and try to become a better person. One day I actually may be ready to have what they call a “true partnership with another human being.” SO, UNTIL THAT DAY, these are my adventures.

Boys Life


If I do end up sleeping with a girl that “squirts,” I will break my rules about not getting douchey and divulge all details in their entirety including iphone pics of wet spots on my bed. Sorry. I mature slowly."

Readers! What are your favorite literary blogs to browse?

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