
Friday, October 1, 2010


By: RoseBuhd

This young man is the one and only male cheerleader on the team, and when some close-minded boys from his school found out, they picked a fight with him and broke his arm.
Well, guess what little mean boys? He doesn't give a f*ck what you think! He's going to continue to cheer!

He recently did an interview (above; click "read more"!), and he's adorable. Good to know that someone so young (11 years-old) could be so strong and break out of stereotypes and overcome the hate he's STILL enduring!
To the bullies of the world, I know you have your own psychological problems and insecurities to deal with and you're angry, but know that your words and actions can hurt deeply and even take away lives. Also, threatening and making fun of people who are unique isn't going to help you in the long run... especially since you'll be working for us in the future. (No, I wouldn't like fries with that... and yes, you will be able to call me Dr. RoseBuhd. ;] )

To Tyler Wilson, you're an inspiration. Keep doing what you do.
You'll be getting all the girls! and/or boys! ;D


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