
Friday, October 1, 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Trust Your Heart

by: Whitley Elizabeth

Every day people are going to have something to say at any moment. And every day will people try to make you or break you - do not give in and do not give up. Many people will say things that make you feel a certain way, and if it is said enough you will probably start to believe it. Do not let those things get to you and bring you down, because you know deep down in your heart what you desire and what you want out of life. I am not saying to be naive and completely shut those people out, especially if their words are of good value, but follow your heart do what you feel is right and is best for you. No one can tell you how to live your life because they are not the one who is living it. Be smart, consider their words, & use them if you feel it is going to help you out. Life is a lesson learned - every day you are going to make new discoveries with or with out a certain person but do not let someone try to run your thoughts but trust your heart.


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