
Saturday, October 2, 2010


By: RoseBuhd

If you're a fan of Dr. Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy, you're going to love this picture. Him in all his half-naked glory!
I didn't want to spoil anything since I'm not caught up on the show myself, but all I know is that next week's episode is gong to focus a little more on him!
How much of a turn-on was he on last season's finale? Be honest, ladies. Haha.

Smart move to keep him on as a regular; he's definitely the new McSteamy. He still needs a McName; I vote McSexy.
I love that his character is a smart & laid-back guy; definitely refreshing to get a new AND likable character.

P.S. I don't know about you, but I'm still rooting for that Cristina-Avery relationship to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hes so hot. It's like all the old school doctors are senior status and him, lexi and the newbies are getting ready to take over!
