
Friday, July 16, 2010

FGR: Meet Shirene AKA Suga

It seems as if everybody these days has got an alias.
A pseudonym. A nom de guerre, if you please. 
Whether it be a stage name, pen name, or you just happen to fancy the way a certain something rolls off of your tongue, every one these days is creating an alter ego in which they express themselves.

For the purposes of this ultra hip blog, and in pure unadulterated FGR fashion, I'll be ghostwriting here as 'suga.' Now that didn't come from just anywhere, ladies. The name on my birth certificate reads, Shirene. Seeing as I am of Persian descent...Shirene happens to be, you guessed it, a Persian name. If you tend to err on the side of Persian fobby-ness then you can pronounce it 'Shee-reen.' (foreign mouth garbling is necessary). Say my name this way in public and I'll laugh in your face and then probably hug you. For all intents and purposes, we can get kosher with this and just go with its meaning in Farsi, which is 'sweet'... the literal translation being...*drumroll pleeease*....sugar.

Now that our lesson in foreign languages has come to an end, we can get down to the matter at hand. FemaleGoneRogue mastermind (or as myself, her parents, and the State of California like to refer to her...Kate) has asked me ever so kindly to do the honors of leaking a little thought on to this here blog every once in a while. Flattered, I have obliged.

I will not always be clever. No foreshadowing necessary, sometimes you will not find my ramblings interesting. It's okay. Shit happens. Now that that's over let's get down to the nitty gritty.. a mission statement.

In hopes of satisying my need to share not only my opinions, interests and daily musings, but also my own little slice of reflection on 'le female situacion'..I'll flap my metaphorical gums here and provide a little food for thought..

Noun 1. food for thought - anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking
intellectual nourishment, food
cognitive content, mental object, content - the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
pabulum - insipid intellectual nourishment

In short, I want to provide some pabulum for your noggins & amuse myself in tandem.
I'll be writing guest features here on FGR so for more of... well... me(?)... don't sleep on it!

Yeah motherfxcker - I'm busy, beep me later.

FGR, suga

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