
Friday, July 23, 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Expectations

This is my girlfriend and I.

I am not a dyke. She is not a tomboy (anymore =P). And we have been together for almost a year.

Why I felt the need to write this blog is because our relationship always brings up so many questions in other people.

Are they really together? They're too hot to be together. Who's the guy and who's the girl? Who wears the "pants"?

Well the answer is, neither of us. By asking the question who is the guy and who is the girl, you are implying that there are certain qualities left specifically for guys and specifically for girls. Wearing the pants implies that we hold power. We both hold the same power over each other.
What I really want to inform all of you is that by thinking this way, you are enforcing the social constructs that our society have created to separate men and women. My good friend recently told me about this guy in her class. Because he dressed too nice, got along well with so many girls, and walked a certain way, she assumed he was gay. I challenged this thought by saying she is reserving certain qualities for gay guys simply because it is "feminine". And at the same time reinforcing the idea that straight guys are "masculine" and have no "feminine" qualities. She finds out the next day, that he is in fact straight.

If we assign specifications to a certain group of people, we give them no space to be who they really are. Instead, they play the role that society have placed on them. If they are to choose to be themselves and some of their actions are not a part of the list of characteristics assigned to them by the society, it leaves room for racism, discrimination, and hate.

We are all human. We have human qualities. I would like to remind you all that being masculine or feminine was not a natural creation. Other people have created these rules to keep a standard going. To keep order in society so there is some control. Do you really want to be rogue? Then fight the norm. Don't be orderly and be what is not standard.


FGR, jessica


  1. This was very well said! I agree whole-heartedly!

  2. Very insightful! This is probably the best post I've come across on this blog.

  3. Well said. The situation mentioned above actually happened to me, many times. I am a guy and I do get along with many girls. Dressed nice or not is your opinion, but I like nice clothes. How I understand this blog is, in a nutshell, a friend of mine kept telling me, "Don't expect ANYTHING from ANYBODY." That quote pretty much sums it up. And I'd like to say that people should do their part to not expect other people to be a certain way or do certain things just because of how they appear to be. It is a new age after all.
