
Thursday, August 12, 2010

FGR ADLIB: You Have Friends, I Have Acquaintances

it's cool to meet new people, establish new friends, and create great bonds but be careful and don't trust so easily. a lot of times we can be so inviting but fail to realize that being inviting and more accepting could probably lead to other things, good and bad. recently, i've been doing some serious re-evaluating, especially when it comes to the people that i choose to hang out with & talk to on the daily. it's really no hard feelings, but i honestly feel like sometimes i can really just do without all of the EXTRA.

Acquaintances is more how i like it - keep it on a hi and bye basis. Many people take it the wrong way but why do you need to explain yourself to anyone - you are not entitled to owe anyone an explanation so why waste your breath and energy? lets be perfectly honest here... why keep people in your circle when they are not benefiting you in any way, shape, or form. yes, they are good company and really cool people to hang out with but are they giving you that same motivation and determination that you want for yourself? are they adding water to the soil or fuel to the fire? do we not want people in our lives that are continue to have a positive attitude no matter what the situation is, & who are going to help us grow, & be of good influence.

for me, i have a very tight circle of friends. i've been around, so i know a lot of people but select few of those people i consider to be in that very tight circle of friends. that is all i need - TRUE friends that will be there until the end of time. REAL FRIENDS don't judge but will be there for you in your time of need - they are honest and will tell you exactly what is on their mind with no intentions on hurting you. They will be careful with their words so that you understand that they don't mean any harm and are just trying to help you... because thats what REAL friends do - they HELP each other out. Idk about you guys, but i think i did a good job as far as my re-evaluation. Yes, no one is perfect but that is why it's good to keep good company - to help conquer each other's downfalls.

& that's just me jibber jabbering but keeping it totally 100%...
keep it real until next time;

FGR, legitimatelife$tyle

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