
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

FGR HΔIR PORTFOLIO: Oooh la la locks

hey readers, its whitley!(: i know i haven't blogged in forever & my deepest apologies; i have been so busy with school and work and trying to get myself together, that i have not had much time to blog. i also didn't want to thrown just anything out there on a blog and it have no relevancy - so i decided to wait a little bit to see if something pops up, but have no fear, your girl legitimatlife$tyle is still here! (: how could i ever leave my beautiful readers hanging?!

well anyways, i just wanted to share with you guys some of my accomplishments within the past few weeks as a future professional hair stylist. lately i have been practicing my listening skills and skills to comprehend what exactly i'm listening to. honestly, i give myself an A+! not only have i been learning such exciting and useful new things, but i have been able to put those new things in to use.

remember when i was talking to you guys about opportunity a few blogs back? yes, opportunity - man does it really pay off when you accept it. so i've managed to apply for every team at school now & i've managed to be a pretty successful Phase Two candidate so far! :) i love it in phase two - it is so much more calm and quiet, so much more creative, & so much more challenging! everything i ever expected and more! i have been getting excellent clients lately & most of them will now be regulars because they love their hair after i am through working my hair magic & they love my personality.. not to mention their relaxing head massage i throw in there ;) definitely leaves me with a nice flow of tip money, too! now, please don't get me wrong, i am not trying to brag but i am simply just patting my self on my back because i've been open minded and took the time to listen and absorb what i have been taught. it honestly will take you a long way if you are motivated and have no limits to what it is that you can learn on a daily basis.

the most recent hair service that i did was actually tonight. i started at about 5:30 (including my consultation) and ended at around.. we'll say 9:30p - you are probably like eyes wide, jaw drop! haha, but no it was definitely because of the services that i performed.
My clients name was Maura - isn't it gorgeous? she was cute, i loved her right off the bat! she had untouched gorgeous brown locks half way down her back with a hint of gold .. that was tied in a ponytail! >:/ well anyway, Maura originally came in asking for a basic color - Now, when Maura left PMTS, she left with a basic color, partial highlights, a hair cut, and a huge smile. One of the things that i learned was to communicate well with your clients and having a good understanding of their hair - what they like, what they don't like; what products they use & what works and what doesnt work.. things of that nature. So i sat Maura down in my chair & as soon as i asked her what she liked and didn't like about her hair she immediately began spilling the beans... we chit chatted for a while and when we were finished my basic understanding of Maura and her hair was that she A) she wanted hair that could be worn either wavy or blowdryed, B) wanted to freshen up her natural hair color , C) wanted to control her frizz, D) cut a few inches off, & E) was definitely debating highlights...

now that we have a jist of what i was working with, you could only imagine how big my eyes lit up! from excellent color classes that i've recently had, i was ready to do work. Normally, i would let my learning leader help me with my formulations because i was never really confident in coming up with them myself but this time - i took hold of everything i did tonight - tonight Maura was 100% in my hands!(:

so as i was done consulting my client, i spit back at her everything that was coming together in my head-

Δ round one length w/ round layers

adds more movement, removes some weight, & is versatile when styling-
Maura was not too picky with how much she wanted to cut off, so she left it up to me. i honestly thought she had beautiful hair, so i didn't want to cut too much off. about 3 inches was what the final decision was.

Δ 2oz 3NG PM Shines + 1oz Clear Shines + 2 yellow Color Shots + 1 orange Color Shots = 3oz Processing Liquid

We decided to go with a PM Shine because it is the next best thing as far as chemical hair services go. It is a demi-permanent color which last 4-6 weeks, possibly even longer depending on how much you wash your hair and what you wash your hair with. It has no ammonia so it will not damage the hair, & it will also keep your hair looking fresh and shiny.

The 3NG is a brown base PM Shine with a Natural Gold tint, hence the NG. i diluted it with an ounce of Clear shines because the 3 would have been too dark... we don't want to take away what we worked so hard to get which was the highlights that we put in. i put an ounce in my formula because for every oz of PM Shines is 1/2 oz of Clear Shines. the processing liquid was measured out to 3oz because it is a 1:1 ratio. this will then be applied on her highlighted hair to toner her highlights down & to refresh her color all at once.

Δ Partial Foil highlights /(10-12 foils) lifted to about a 9 (yellowish) 1 scoop DPL + 2 oz 20 volume Cream Developer

a partial foil in PMTS world is 10 foils or less & yes i cheated and used 12 =P big whoop.
parted the hair in my normal mohawk sections at the natural part & clipped them up, braiding the hair that i left out and will be untouched through the whole process. this helps me keep my canvas nice and clean and free from error. i then began to mix my DPL with 20 volume developer to proceed with my highlighting process. i decided to lift her all the way up to a 9 to give her the maximum effect of her warm highlights. i have three sections with 4 foils folded in each. I used the weaving technique throughout the head to give her more of a natural sun-kissed look.

after all my processes were done, i gave her a beautiful blow-out using my medium round brush & finished her off by refining her hair cut and making sure it was perfect. i also gave her a little bit of face-framing to finish out her over all look.

Ladies and Gentleman.. give it up for Mrs. Maura!(:
(sorry again for the crappy pictures)

what do you guys think?

thank you for reading! stay tuned as the hair portfolio grows<3

♀♀♀ FGR, Whitley

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