
Monday, August 2, 2010

FGR NO-NO OF THE DΔY: Homewrecked

Attention all ladies!
We all know the do's and dont's of a relationship and one of the most important do's is to be faithful to your spouse, while as the dont's is to betray and lie. Let's keep it real, your relationship with your lover is valuable, you didn't sign up to be cheated on. But when another woman or man steps in trying to take over what's yours and "wreck" your relationship with your boo, you must always defend what's right. That doesn't mean running back to him or her when they sweet-talk you after the 506th time they've f%$#@ed you over, it means learning from it, and thanking them for showing you what type of lover you deserve: a faithful one. 

Now this post is about home-wrecking, but I don't wanna rant and bag on girls & guys because not all everyone intrude on purpose to make the other woman feel miserable. Maybe the girl he's with isn't 100% right for him, maybe she's the one lying and cheating and the new girl just wants to treat him how he deserves. It's an endless argument that belongs on a forum to what exactly "home-wrecking" is, so I'll provide 5 tips for the females who are in the limbo of either being betrayed by their lover, or those who don't know what to do if it does happen...


  1. BE PREPARED. A relationship always has its ups and downs but the for the ones who've had it to where another female was involved, you must be prepared. Don't start regretting your "yes" to his "will you be my girlfriend, (your name goes here)?" because there's a blessing in every lesson, and if you get betrayed by him or her once, there is a slight chance they may do it again, your call.
  2. HAVE RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND BE HUMBLE. Yeah we know in the movies, the girl acts a fool and throws fists at the mistress, but have self-respect. Don't go calling her phone asking why she's messing with your man because most of the time, it goes both ways which means you're looking foolish defending someone who said he wasn't with you.
  3. THINK WITH YOUR BRAIN, NOT WITH YOUR HEART. It's best if you contemplate on where you're going with the situation if you decide to stay. Will it be another mistake if you let your lover off the hook and stay? What if you keep tabs on your lover, so that they're in the palm of your hands? Ladies, please know that I respect each and every reader. But your happiness comes before your lover's, so please don't treat them like your dog if you don't want to be treated like one. Let go, you can love someone you're not with. Use your brain!!!
  4. BE STRONG. Inner strength is so important when it comes to letting someone go, regardless of how long of a relationship you two had. I understand it's been 3 years, or 6 months, but lovers come and go, you can only be strong for yourself that way you know what to look for in a lover. If you stay with the same one, and they claims he or she is going to 'change' their ways, please make sure he or she does. I think by the 4th time they've betrayed you, you should already know the green light to packing his bags.
  5. KEEP IT MOVING a.k.a. move forward! Play some Beyonce, or some Nicki Minaj. Put aside the Boys 2 Men, delete saved texts, and realize you have the right to move forward for you. Or if you decide to stay & work things out, don't dwell on it. Don't make that situation the topic of every conversation because eventually, you're going to get tired of talking about it & so is your lover.
"Behind the clouds, there's always a sun"

FGR, abbyboobie

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