
Friday, August 27, 2010

FGR RULE 006: Do Not Be So Judgmental

"...She's probably a whore!"
"...What is this fool wearing?!"
"...Man, this girl is hella whack!"
"...She's a pothead, she probably knows nothing!"

How many times have you caught yourself judging someone a day?! A lot, huh? Trust me, it happens to me way too often than I can even say; I am ashamed to admit it but its natural... every body does it. But just because every body does it doesn't mean that its right.

They say you should never judge a book by it's cover, & it's true... you really shouldn't because you have no idea what it's like to be that person. That's like putting your size 8 foot into a size 6 shoe - it just wouldn't work & it would be very uncomfortable. You have no idea what situations that person has been in or what they are going through. You also don't know what they have over come and what they have worked so hard but yet still seems to fail in. (fail may be too strong of a word but you see my point).

If you didn't know me or still don't know me now, I'm sure a million thoughts go through your head about me - what I look like, why I'm so skinny, why I dress the way I do, talk the way I talk - but that's just that... you do not know me. You do not know my strengths and weaknesses or my flaws and imperfections... You don't know we well enough to judge me just by one glance or by a 10 minute conversation. You would really just get to know me, and get to know me well. This for anybody and everybody; if you do not know that person, you have no right to judge that person! & even if you do know that person, you still don't have the right to judge them because it is not your place to. People are misunderstood when assumptions are poured down on them like a hail storm with nothing covering them for protection.
You can miss out on a lot of awesome people if you continue to frown upon them. A lot of times we go by what another person says or saw instead of witnessing with out own ears and eyes. How many times have you wanted to show yourself off because you know that you know that you know deep down inside that you are absolutely capable of blowing people away but once given the opportunity you get shut down because of one simple assumption or judgement? Our society does it all the time. They say first impression is everything in which it is very important... but I don't think its EVERYTHING. It's only everything because that how people weed out what they like and what they don't like in a hurry. First impression really is just a small part of what you really have to offer. I can sit in front of an entire audience & tell them all of my dreams and aspirations, my current and future studies, & everything else that's good about me for hours and everything would be fine, but the minute that I tell you that I hit it off with Mary Jane a few times I can absolutely, positively guarantee you that someone somewhere in that audience will automatically reverse their entire perspective on me and completely erase everything I just said & judge me at that moment.

You know, I have this friend - we went to high school together here in Virginia & i used to think this cat was whack beyond this world. He would always try to talk to me and I could never seem to understand why because I used to be so mean to him. I never thought he could dress, I thought he was either always drunk or always high, & like nothing good ever came to mind when he would pop up or try to even say hi. To be perfectly honest, I thought he was pretty annoying (lol, my bad Tweezy). Up until just recently did I have the same perspective on him as I did back then. I've had the chance to hang out with him every so often & spark up a short friendly conversation & actually this dude is really cool - just another kid trying to figure himself out & trying to live life the best way he knows how... just like me & jest like the rest of you. And I was completely straight forward with him with everything that we talked about & we both are pretty much on the same level with things - both inspired to do great work & spread the love. I never knew that he was a poet or even liked web design- i didn't know anything about the trouble he's been in and what he goes through. But talking to him just for those few conversations really opened my eyes to see that he is just like me and wants to do better and be the best that he can be. Man, did I mess up. Who am I to judge, really?! a no body, apparently.

To make a long story short, everyone in the world has something to offer and something to show - get to know each other before coming to a conclusion. Just because you feel a certain way about someone doesn't give you the right to make up your own story about them - give them a chance, I'm sure you'll appreciate them more and learn so much more about yourself.

Until next time, FGR readers!
FGR, whitley elizabeth

P.S. Take a look at my dude Tweezy's page, too & leave him & his crew some feedback if it's your type of thing!
I believe he is just starting off, just like FGR was.. So please follow him and show some love!(: Thank you!

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