
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FGR TIPS: Long Distance Relationships

long. distance. relationship.
 you see the person less. it's harder to show you care. and you have this long lost craving for your significant other. what's there to like about it?!?!?! it IS the three most terrifying words to a healthy relationship. but everything has it's pro's and con's. not to worry, something good can come out of this!!


1. you do see the person a lot less. But if you're sure of your feelings for this significant other, then your feelings will always be the same, just make sure the other knows that! Meanwhile, you can keep yourself busy, maintain a healthy relationship with everybody ELSE in your life, your best friends, your family etc. This also gives you the opportunity to have as many girl/guy nights as you want, and to have more "me" time. Sometimes in relationships when you see the other person a little too much, you lose "me" time, and your relationship with others (best friends) may start to crumble and you find yourself juggling a more difficult schedule. in short: you get to maintain a life!!

2. it is wayyyyyy harder to show you care. But this doesn't mean exhaust the "i miss you's" and "i love you's" x100, this just means showing you care in different ways. There are so many ways to show you care!! like... MAKING STUFF. everybody likes home-made things, BUT IT'S SO MUCH BETTER when it's mailed to them (when does anyone get mail nowadays?) it's a tangible object, and your significant other will absolutely love it. A REALLY IMPORTANT THING: BE ON POINT. with phone calls, texts etc. Since you can't see each other as much, be considerate and keep your phone close to you. He/she misses you! and doesn't like calling to hear your voicemail. If you constantly text late, or miss phone calls, it's a sign to the other that you don't really care.

3. Save up some money to go see them!!!!!!!!! Not only will the little time spent together mean SO MUCH MORE, you're also going on vacation. =P consider what else is in the area, other friends to visit, new places to go with your significant other. Everybody wants to do something new once in awhile.

4. relax. don't call/text them constantly, give each other some space! If you both are DEAD SURE of your feelings for each other, the long distance relationship will last! Don't go accusing your other of cheating if they're not, trust him/her. That's a no-no for a relationship in general, but it's a lot worse when it's long distance. It's harder to mend a problem you can't simply "hug it out", so pick your fights carefully. If you trip out over one missed phone call, or one missed text ... relax! And if he/she is talking about an opposite sex, they're probably just describing the people they run into letting you in on their life that's all, don't take it as a "OMGOMG HE/SHE'S TOTALLY CHEATING ON ME"

5. be straight forward. it's so much more important to weed out all your concerns in a manner with a long distance relationship. You don't see/talk to them often, and you don't want to keep things bottled up, tell him/her right away. With long distance relationships, you're on your toes all the time, and can be thrown on thin ice very easy, don't let it crumble for something so stupid. Long distance relationships is a very delicate thing.

6. Be understanding. self explanatory, but timing is an issue now. Time zones may separate yourself from them. First things first, don't let that get in the way, make some time, you can do it. And if you can't, your other should understand and vice versa.

Those are probably the five most important things to long distance relationships!!! I think it's really exciting!! I live by these 6 tips and comments, and I'm doing alright. It ISN'T the 3 most scariest words for my relationship because I don't make it out to be, in fact.. the
most terrifying words are.. "We need to talk" =P. I'm currently in a long distance relationship and i'm flying to the east coast to see him in 2 weeks!!!!!!!! I'm super duper excited.

FGR, shirleyydee

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