
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Realize & Recognize

I think everyone deals with insecurity and I happen to struggle with it a lot when it comes to opening up and sharing my thoughts/emotions with people. I never really paid much attention to why, or took the time to dig deep and figure out what stemmed these insecurities.

I've realized that past experiences and each person you encounter and have a relationship with, makes up who you are little by little. In some cases, some  have worked out and some didn't. My past encounter with people who've fallen short on their part or have hurt me has created this brick wall that I can't seem to break down because I'm afraid that history will repeat itself. But then I realized,  that's like dooming myself to not feel at all. I already can't physically feel more than half of my body, what's left of me if I don't allow myself to emotionally feel?  

How you handle, as well as how you  deal, with problems and emotions carries out how you act, communicate, and internally feel a whole lot in the long run. Lately, I find myself giving others mixed signals because of fears and past emotional baggage I've shrugged off. I noticed that I'm trying to prevent my unwanted past history from repeating itself, in reality,  I'm really repeating it by staying closed off. The last thing I want to do is push people away or ruin the potential of a good relationship. 

Deal with your emotions right away or perhaps when youre ready, because I learned the hard way of how ignoring it can affect your actions and everyday life.

FGR, tammy

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