
Saturday, August 28, 2010


This morning when I woke up, I knew it was going to be a good day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and by what must have been God's divine intervention..I was having a good hair day.
I jumped in my car, heading to my first day back to class and a couple throwback red hot chili pepper tracks later, I was in a deeply chill/ relaxed mood. As I was driving along I started to reflect on a bunch of things in life lately. One being the relationships I live and happen to view between males and females. One of the most prominent aspects of the male/ female situation is what I like to call turning a blind eye in the name of lust. Yeah, lust. Not love.

You meet a guy, you dig him, and even when you sense red flags you keep persuing in the same direction.
This is where you've got to stop, take a breath and look at the big picture girlfriend. You'll save yourself a lot of time, effort and possible heartache.

Most women get into trouble not because they were clueless about a man, but because they had an instinct and they ignored it. Take him at his word. If he said hes not ready for a relationship...then he's not ready. If he says he might not have too much time for you, then he won't. And if he doesn't really seem to want to get to know you better than he already does, then back up ..cause you can always do better then that.

Shine on.

FGR, suga

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