
Thursday, August 19, 2010


I know it's Thursday, but for the sake of the post that was suppose to be on Wednesday, I'll keep the title as is. I decided to add this little piece for all my ladies who want to get or stay in shape. I love to change my workouts up as much as possible. That way, I don't get bored of the same routine every time I go to the gym.

FGR TIP: Another reason for that is because if you do the same routine everyday, your body is gonna get use to it and reach its peak. Once it's reached its peak, your body won't lose the weight that you want it to if you want to lose weight.
This week's workout is hiking!
Ok you might be thinking, hiking?! And come up with reasons not to do it, but I'll give you 5 reason why you should.
  1. Enjoy outdoors - Now a days most of us are sheltered in at home & with work. It's nice to take some time out to be outside with Mother Earth. There's fresh air, birds chirping, animals running around, the blue sky, rivers flowing. Humans are connected to the Earth & nature so why not take some hiking time & make the connection closer. Trust me you'll feel great at the end.
  2. Great exercise - Of course it's a great exercise or else I wouldn't be posting it! ;] Hiking helps you strengthen your muscles more than regular walking because of all the uneven terrain. When you hike you tone you muscles, helps you maintain your weight & improves your circulation.
  3. Bonding time - When you go with a group of people, you have that whole time to connect and enjoy yourselves. It'll help everyone just relax and have a good time. Hiking to your destination can take a lot of motivation. If you go in a group, you have that extra push to not let everyone down. Even when you hike alone, you got all that time to reflect on your life's endeavors.
  4. Emotional health - It's a literally a breath of fresh air. When you get away from the world & all it's troubles, it's nice to just let your mind breath. All of the stress you have will feel so minuscule. You have so much time to think and let the burdens of life feel lighter.
  5. Bragging rights - Some hikes can take up to hours and good would that feel to tell people that YOU did that hike. When you accomplish that 4 hour hike, nothing feels better than sharing your experience. If they really don't believe you, maybe you show them how you did it and have them hike with you!
If you're from the Bay Area or in the area, a great hike to do is Mission Peak. It's 4 hours altogether, 2 hours up & 2 hours down. It's more or less 4 hours depending on you of course. Once you reach the top, you get a view of the beautiful South Bay. Over the weekend My family went out and did the hike ourselves. Check us out!
We brought along one of our babies. Meet Kneeko!
Baby brother & papa bear.
Doing a little dance because we're almost there.
Hi Kneeko you handsome beast you!
Photo opt! My broham and sister!
Almost there...
Yay! We made it!
The path we just walked.
My mama is a big baby & when it comes to hiking, she complains a lot. She sort of left herself behind earlier in the trail & we all assumed she went back to the car. Sure enough we caught her climbing to the top as we were walking down.
Whoot whoot!
She was going to go down when she seen us, but we told her she was a pxssy if she didn't go up all the done. Turns out she's not a pxssy. LOL
Here's all of our V-I-C-T-O-R-Y poses!
Yay! We made it & you can too!

FGR, sunshine