
Sunday, September 12, 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Relax, Relate, Release

Relax - Relate - Release !
Relax - Relate - Release !
Relax - Relate - Release !

There is always an instant where you just want to rip your hair out, rip someone else's hair out, or for those of us who are more hardcore, punch someone's lights out... ALWAYS. And there are always times where you feel like you are the energizer bunny and just keep going, and going, and going and never know when to just stop.

"I need to do this", "I forgot to go here", "I don't have time for that"... when will we learn to just relax?! We deserve it because we work so hard to get to where we want to be. You weaken the body mentally and physically when you over work, over think, and over do things.

Your body is the only one you have - you do not have 9 lives & you only live once. Use it wisely & begin to enjoy the more simple (or finer, whatever) things in life. Enjoy life period! It's too wonderful to go unnoticed! Relax - Life is too short. I know you hear this all the time and it is so cliche, but it is the honest to God truth!

Why do we spend so much time stressing out about something that really doesn't matter. We focus on a lot of the negative but really need to focus on the positive. Life offers way too much to be worrying and finding what's wrong with everything. It's funny to me when I'm work trying to get people to relax all day and they can;t because they don't know how. They always say "It's hard for me to relax" or "I don't have time to relax". When I think about it, it's like really? why? You can relax if you really wanted to. So often do we over analyze situations which only makes us think worst case scenerios which causes us to worry and be stressed. We need to have a little more faith and just go with the flow of things. Everything is really going to be alright. So, close your eyes, take a deeeeeep breath (inhale), exhale! Open your eyes to new day, a new light, and a new you. Don't let the little things get to you. You're beautiful the way you are. A wrinkle at such a youthful age would not be a good look! not to mention those nasty breakouts! (:

So, remember... Relax - Relate - Release


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