
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


By: Tammy

When working on art projects, I always need an assistant since I'm unable to hold anything. If I'm dealing with letters and fonts I use custom made attachments that were designed to help me write/draw. Usually, I gather all the supplies I plan on using and direct who ever is assisting me how and where to place things. Y favorite part is going out to buy the supplies. I'm like a kid in a candy store when I'm in an art store. I'm the type of person to notice and remember details about my friends which helps me create these projects. Speaking of details, I'm a super detailed person which often drives my assistant nuts. My ideas are usually spurr of the moment and every project generally has a subliminal message, or inside joke to it.

Here are a couple art projects I've done or directed, recently:

I love to doodle. Awhile back, I randomly came across a online sketch/paint pad on Google and have been on a doodling rampage ever since. Lately, I've had a couple of my drawings embroidered onto t-shirts as gifts to others.


1 comment:

  1. This is all very nice! You should share more of your work in the future.
