
Sunday, October 10, 2010

ROGUE ΔRT | DΔNCE: The LXD; Harry Shum, Jr.

By: RoseBuhd

You Glee fans out there may recognize this dude as "The Other Asian" aka "Mike Chang." For those of you who aren't Gleeks, you just have to know he's the BEST male dancer on the show, but doesn't have that many lines yet.

If you watch the video below, you'll see that there is no hyperbole in my previous statement. I'm stunned by that move he does at 6:00!

I'm not usually attracted to Asian guys (except Justin Nozuka), but something about Harry Shum, Jr. is doing it for me. Maybe it's the fact that he was born in Costa Rica and Spanish was his first language AND he's also fluent in Chinese? Or the fact that he's adorable? Maybe the abs... Hmm. It's probably the dancing. (If you don't know, ballet was one of my first loves, and I miss it terribly.) But really... it's probably the abs. ;]

If you enjoyed that video, check out The LXD's other fantastic videos with different styles of dance & stories.
[Click here] to watch them for free on Hulu!
[Click here] to follow Harry Shum, Jr. on Twitter.

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