
Sunday, August 15, 2010


"Everything you create, you use to destroy."

This quote is from the movie The Fifth Element. Leeloo expresses how destructive humans are (although she spoke of war, I still made the connection that the Earth is being utterly destroyed). It is true that humans have an excessive behavior but it must be understood with the utmost urgency that our excessive tendencies are hurting our Mother Earth. There are generations of life under our feet, and their chances of happiness are dwindling.
I urge everyone to take responsibility into their own hands and stop pilfering from our giving Mother Earth. Pay your respect for this beautiful planet by acknowledging how it is the only one we have and it is in great peril. A big or small change is still a good one.

The simplest way but such a powerful one is by purchasing a REUSABLE WATER. Don't be the fool to water bottle companies by buying what is free (MUNICIPAL A.K.A. TAP WATER) and contribute to grow LANDFILLS. Take the first steps, hopefully others will follow suit.

Reduce the trashing, and overconsumption.. REUSE REUSE REUSE!!

*The photo featured above was shot by Kylee Anderson. She understood my idea and brought it to life. She is truly amazing and I hope you all enjoy her work. Although a busy girl, she can be booked to shoot. If interested in this beautiful lady's work, please visit her blog or send her a tweet at (Thanks baby!)

"Keep fighting the good fight."

FGR, tina

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