
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I just love when my Female Mafia comes up with cute little ideas for posts. Thank you for thinking outside of the box for FGR! I appreciate it! Ms. Tammy of FGR figured out a way to do Tumblr's favorite challenge...
The 10 Day Photo Challenge!

 I remember seeing that all over Tumblr & thought it was pretty cool, but I didn't exactly know how it would relate to FGR. Tammy figured out a way! She said, "I want to do a 10 day photo challenge posting up pictures to give my readers a little bit more of an idea about myself and a peek of my everyday life." That's exactly what were going to do! Give you all a piece of us, through pictures! Tammy is going to start it off for everyone & whoever in FGR wants accept the challenge will follow!
xoxo, sunshine

Here's what the challenge consist of...
  • Day 1 - A picture of yourself
  • Day 2 - A picture of your handwriting
  • Day 3 - A picture of what you wore
  • Day 4 - A picture of someone who inspires you
  • Day 5 - A picture of where you went today
  • Day 6 - A picture of your morning
  • Day 7 - A picture that makes you cry
  • Day 8 - A picture that makes you happy
  • Day 9 - A silly picture of you/ you & your friends
  • Day 10 - A picture of you and someone you love

    DAY 1: A picture of yourself
I'm actually up in my wheelchair today instead of lounging in bed like a lazy bum! I'm trying to get myself back on track since school's starting this coming Monday. I'm excited!

 FGR, tammy

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