
Saturday, September 11, 2010

MUSIC | VIDEO: Bruno Mars - "Just The Way You Are"

By: Britnay

My favorite recording format but together in a beautiful love song. It took awhile for me to listen to this song. After hearing the very materialistic "Billionaire", I wasn't up for another one. But I like it. I like the creativity of the tape cassette the most. But listening to it another time and actually paying attention to the lyrics, a question came to my and my friend's mind: 'Do guys really think like that?' This is not a dog you out post. I'm not saying all guys are jerks and don't have emotions either. There are actually guys out there that have built an emotional relationship with another person. Some even say most guys don't express themselves emotionally or maybe they do? And not just for men, women too. Us as humans at times find it hard to express themself emotionally because we fear rejection or the 'wrong' reaction from the opposite person. Some find it easy because it brings a deep attachment to the other person.

What do you think? Is this believable video? Do you feel that people out really feel like that about the opposite sex? Do you feel this is a song meant as a marketing tactic for a certain audience? (Women 18-24)LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!



  1. This is how my gf feels about me! But the past guys I've dated, PSHAW.

  2. Kevin texted me and told me this song made him think of me. Itv was so cute. But like every song on the radio, it gets played out..
